Office Basement
by jbrooks95 on
Office basement is a game about some unnamed protagonist who is tasked with repairing a generator in an office building. The player must collect generator parts to repair the generator and find a key to unlock the generator room while avoiding spooky ghosts. The game does a good job of creating a sense of panic when surprised with an attack from a ghost due to the disorienting camera rumble effects and jarring sound design. I truly felt lost in the basement, which built suspense while I navigated the maze-like basement. I’m sure this game will see some further iterations and my recommendations for further development would be primarily in the AI and the implementation of procedural generation of the level. The AI is simple at this stage and just walks on predetermined paths, and I think a good improvement to the game would be the inclusion of a second AI type that chases the player for some time, which is relatively simple in the Unreal Engine which was used to make this game. Also, half of the map (past the boards that get broken down) no AI spawn, which is either a bug or a questionable design choice. As far as procedural generation, the pickups spawn in the same place every time, which doesn’t give players much incentive to replay the game after beating it once, but does encourage players to pick up where they left off on their last run. A big development in the game could be to learn to generate the map, allowing a purely unique experience to each playthrough.
Overall, I thought your game was fun, jbrooks95. I am looking forward to what you do with this game and I hope my feedback was helpful.