This game was made for the Team Kentucky Jam with the theme: ‘Social Distancing’. All games made for this event were sold in a bundle and all proceeds were donated to the COVID-19 relief fund for Kentucky. For more information, click here. The bundle raised about $175.
This game is about a person who desperately needs some groceries, however, no one in the store is wearing a mask nor are they making an attempt to stay 6 feet apart. The only way to stay safe is to take matters into their own hands with their trusty 6-foot pole. If someone gets close, they have some hand sanitizer to clean up, however, stores are limiting the number of hand sanitizers you can buy at a time… so you have 3 chances before you contract the virus.
The game can be played for free in-browser but downloaded versions must be paid for.
Cough attack.
This game is very special to me. The theme of the jam inspired me to make something that I thought could bring some enjoyment out of the C)VID-19 2020 pandemic. I am also very proud to have a small difference with the donations gathered through this very silly game.
Further Development
I plan on continuing to develop this game to be compatible with mobile devices because the input controls feel much more natural than with a mouse. I also want to incorporate a way for players to engage with one another so that they can have a sense of community while we are all isolated.
Player hitting a customer with their stick.
Player becoming surrounded by the hordes.